
Google confirm Pigeon update rolled out in UK

1 minute read
illustrative graphic of pigeon stood next to Google logo

Google have confirmed that their Pigeon algorithm has been rolled out in the UK, as well as Canada and Australia.

The local search algorithm was launched in the United States late in July 2014, with the aim to provide users with a better experience with local search. The same ranking signals have now come to UK shores, along with Canada and Australia, with the roll out occurring late last week.

When asked by Search Engine Land if the update had been brought outside of the US, a Google spokesperson responded by saying: “I can confirm that this update has rolled out to the UK, Canada and Australia.”

We will now see local searches made within the UK that display sites ranked on more traditional SEO factors, and tie closer in with non-national searches. For instance, a site’s backlink profile. You can read more about the Pigeon update here.