Meet Jamie
Cyber Security Consultant
Jamie joined Blue Frontier in 2023, after studying for his degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Bristol followed by a bootcamp for cyber security. During his first few months at Blue Frontier, he has completed numerous courses in the fields of; Ethical hacking (TCM Security), Penetration testing (HTB CREST Penetration tester path) and Qualys vulnerability management.
Jamie is involved in penetration testing, vulnerability management and consultancy. His work is largely focused on reducing the number of vulnerabilities in our client’s endpoints.
Jamie is a curious person with a high attention to detail. Despite being relatively new to the industry he has already proven his capability and is improving his skills every day.
My favourite aspects of Blue Frontier include the promising career prospects within my current role and the gaming laptop thoughtfully provided to support my work.
The penetration testing part of my role involves utilising an array of hacking tools to access our clients' computer systems, followed by compiling comprehensive reports on the methods employed and offering guidance on remediation. Additionally, with vulnerability management, I employ Qualys to monitor potential vulnerabilities in clients' web applications and software, subsequently advising on strategies to mitigate these vulnerabilities. The consultative element of my position revolves around providing clients with actionable insights to address the identified system issues.
My dream project is to do an internal penetration test for a company with a large attack surface and lots of possible entries to sink my teeth into. I am at the beginning of my career as an ethical hacker, so when doing an assessment, I am looking for the so-called ‘quick wins’ that allow for lateral movement and privilege escalation in a network. A company having a large attack surface would mean more opportunities for misconfiguration, which in turn would allow me those quick wins.
I like to stay active outside of work. A few of my favourite hobbies are; making beats on FL Studio, mountain biking and cooking.